Jon Mackey is a naturally charismatic guy. Whenever I cross paths with Jon, he’s either returning from some thrilling adventure or planning his next personal or professional move. The world just seems like a more interesting place when he’s around. So, when we were organizing the first All Y’all live storytelling event, “New ‘Round Here,” Sara and I knew that we had to ask Jon to contribute a story. He came through in grand form with this hilarious, occasionally unsettling tale of life as a server at a Chinese buffet called Cheng’s Garden and what may be the most uncomfortable job interview of all time.
“When I asked Jon if he had a story, he came into my office and re-enacted the job interview,” Sara told me, just now. And what a job interview it was.
As this post goes live, we are in the early planning stages of our third live event, “Under the Influence.” We expect this night of storytelling – which will feature tales of substance use and abuse, recovery, influence, powerlessness and control regained – to take place in September 2014. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse of Northwestern Louisiana. We’ll post more details of the event as soon as we have them.
Thanks for reading and listening!
-Chris Jay